

We perform audits for not-for-profit and for-profit organizations as well as audits as per requirements under Companies Act, Income Tax Act, Banking Regulation Act etc., in order to provide the highest level of assurance for our clients’ financial needs. CA Hari Dharak and associates provides you with a stress free, thorough audit.

The assurance services provide by CA Hari Darakh & Associates uses our professional knowledge to make the best possible financial or non-financial recommendations to clients so that they can make informed decisions.

To reduce the risk of disruption to our clients’ operations and employees, we have developed optimized audit and assurance processes that leverage the latest technology along with our experience in corporate finance. Our audit and assurance professionals bring strong backgrounds as auditors to the table, as well as a genuine interest in your company’s well-being. We offer a range of services to our clients in the following areas:

Audit and Assurance work rarely ranks high on our clients’ list of things to do, but knowing your financial standing, and having accurate, comprehensive books to show lenders and other stake holders and even regulators is critical to remaining bright in the marketplace and minimizing risk.

When it’s time to grow your company, expand your product line, or develop new tools to take into the marketplace, the most important resource you’ll need is the obvious one: money. Due diligence is required by every lending institution around, and when it’s time to shake things up, we are there to ensure that your books are accurate and that your business is ready for the boost. With us, you can count on our experience to guide you to outside financing.